Calamity no more.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Seize the fish!

Things are finally clicking together with the setup of [removed]. So far, we have only filled up half the shop with inventory.

As I write this, [removed] must have just finished inputting all the inventory in the computer and tomorrow morning, I shall report there early to arrange the items nicely and do some cleaning up.


The shop looks good as a whole but I am not quite happy with some of the workmanship when I look closer.

I would have said something like, "some things are better left to the pros" but the thing is, some of them WERE done by the pros.






But there are also some positive things about the shop.





Some people have asked me what [removed] selling point is. As you can see, the shop is realy small. It's a pushcart with walls so the things we have in there must be specific. Our strategy is to sell things that people would just grab and go.

We can't have people walking in and spending fifteen minutes enquiring about one product as there'd be no space for others to walk in. Two people in there, me and the customer, is two too many people already.

So we sell things that appeal to the impulse buyers. Things that are not necessarily practical but are fun. Like a mouse that looks like a foot with painted toenails. Then there are USB-powered massagers that look like a ladybird, a tortoise, etc or the USB-powered desktop mini fans that look like a football, a soccerball, baseball, blah blah blah.

Unlike some IT shops, a big chunk of our customer base at our other outlets are female. I think it'd be the same at [removed]. I sure do not mind! Sometimes they not only buy things for themselves, but also for their friends at one go.

They don't have to spend so much time pondering over whether to get the stuff because as direct importers, [removed] is able to sell things cheaper than others.

I was at Sim Lim today to buy the bracket for my LCD monitor when I noticed the shop selling some things that we also sell and I was flabbergasted to find out how much they were selling them for.

For instance, a USB-powered sound card was selling for $28 when we are only selling them for like $15 $9.90. Their headsets were going for double digits while ours is only in the single digit. We are talking about the exact items here. Same packaging, same quality, same everything.

But... we also have things for the guys AND gals for that matter. Thumbdrives, memory cards, portable hard disks, wireless routers, modems... .

Initially I was quite skeptical about how many things we can squeeze in that hole in the wall but I was pleasantly surprised to find out we could actually squeeze in quite a lot in there. It's exciting.

Carp diem! Seize the fish!


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