Calamity no more.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Charity call

The good people at are organizing a trip to Heart To Heart this coming 25th November to deliver some food donations.

Heart to Heart is a non-profit, non-government aided welfare set-up initiated by Teresa Hsu. The Service reaches out to the poor and needy by providing them with food and monetary assistance every month.

She could do with some instant noodles. That's all she needs to make her day.

Some of the items they need are:
1) Instant Noodles
2) "Super" Coffee-mix 3-in-1.
3) Milo 3-in-1
4) Sugar (1 kg bag)
5) Cooking Oil (1 litre)

Please click here for the full list and other details.

Logistically-speaking, we are considering collecting monetary donations, scoot off to Sheng Shiong to shop for the items, before delivering the stuff to Heart To Heart nearby.

This is to ensure no items are repeated, manpower better utilized and time efficiently managed.

Those who want to contribute in other ways are also welcome.

For more information, please write to thecalamityman at gmail dot com.


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