Calamity no more.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

From here

I have finally confirmed within myself that I have an allergy of working for people. Make no mistake though, I'm not implying that I'm allergic to work. They are two different things.

Firstly I cannot stand colleagues and/or superiors who are spineless zombies who just bob around their way at work and step over people's heads in order to get higher. Reminds me of the Dilbert comic strip, really. Most of them are like the pointy-haired boss in the strip and the special guest characters like Mister Serdecisions and Patty the amplifier and distorter.

Secondly, within reason, I like to challenge the status quo and zombies don't take too well to that. There was one point where I came up with all the proposal for us to move forward as a company where Halal matters are concerned and after all the initial hoopla, it just died an agonizing death.

There are others, one more being me suggesting for used oil to be collected in barrels and then sold to an oil-recycling company in order for us to off-set some of the tenants' expenses and that one got shot down too. That's a whole load of used oil being flushed down the drain in exchange for nothing.

For me, I am not seeking perfection, but if there is a better way to do things, I'd like to work on it in my own quiet way before bringing it up when I feel I have a case. In both scenarios I mentioned above, I felt I had a few strong points but the zombies didn't want the little bit of extra work. Extra work that could have generated into more efficiency in the greater scheme of things.

Thirdly, I just knew I was gonna run my own little business since young. Period.

Like I told Liana earlier today, I never aimed to be Bill Gates. I just want to make enough for my family and the underprivileged folks can take all the surplus that I generate through my business. After all, I wouldn't be taking my wealth to my grave when I die. Might as well spread the love around.

But first, I'd have to get rich. By rich I mean to have a little extra than what I'm accustomed to and that is proving to be the difficult part.

Liana reckons I do not lack in business knowledge and theory, instead I lack the business savvy. And she's right. I noticed that too and I'm working on it.

Some people work smart while the others work hard. I believe I belong to the latter. I use more heart than brain in every aspect of my life and that's not necessarily a good thing. If it was, I wouldn't be the loser that I am now.

But I'm very certain about one thing. I do not want to change myself. Yes, I can reduce the heart:brain ratio but I wouldn't do a major transformation. I believe there is a small probability that a heart person can earn an honest living in this world and help others in the process and I wanna prove it.

Say half the world's population are heart people, all the heart people cannot all be losers right? I refuse to believe it even if it was a fact found by an AC Nielsen research backed by the United Nations.

As I was saying, I am working on it. Like most of you who's been around to keep up with my life for about three years now through my blog, I am forever talking about making it in business. Time is ticking quickly according to my ten year plan but I have this picture in my head that if I was to throw fifty darts continuously at the board, one of them is bound to hit the bullseye at some point.

I have been working full time to firstly clear up my debt this past year but in the process I have also been keeping up with the business side of things by getting involved in small business dealings for extra income just so I could keep myself on my toes.

And every now and then, I come across a Eureka moment and I spend some time doing my own little research to see how much the possibility of them materializing is and how I could get things started and make them work. All of them have been drawing blanks thus far. No surprises there.

Currently there is the [removed] thing which is still maintaining its 20% possibility of materializing rate and in case that doesn't work out by end June, I'm thinking of doing something in Timor Leste. It's a very young and problem-laden nation and I understand that the risks there are high but so is the potential. Remember the story about "shoes in africa"?

One guy wanted to sell shoes in Africa but when he popped over for a visit, he noticed no one was wearing shoes so he thought selling shoes there was a dumb idea. But another guy did the same thing and decided that "Great! Then there is a market for shoes in Africa!" and that's how the Africans started to put on shoes and the second guy became rich.

The big question is, whatever business I wanna venture into, I would need to raise the capital. If it was Timor Leste I have in mind, then I'd have to at least raise some money to go over and spend some time there to complete my own findings and come up with a feasibility report and business proposal.

I have spent the past year clearing my debt so that's all good. The most obvious answer to raising my capital risk-free is to save my own money but I reckon that'd take too long. With my skin condition and lack of qualification, I've never been able to secure a high-paying job (you'd be surprised if I was to tell you how much I earned at FNS as a manager).

Saving for my capital would take too long a time and by the time I manage to come up with something, Timor Leste would be a futuristic nation filled with floating skyscrapers and flying cars!

So now I am on a mission to check out what's available for me along the lines of obtaining a humble loan via any legal source. Most crucially, I wanna know how I could qualify myself for any loan both as a private individual and a startup.

If you have answers, do let me know.

On an aside, If you happen to have a low five figure amount in Singdollars in spare change and would consider making someone's dream happen who intends to make other people's dream happen, then you are also more than welcome to reach me at thecalamityman at gmail dot com to bounce off some ideas. We'll take it from there.

I have a few things in mind which I'd like to narrow down into one concrete thing but without any financial backing, they would still remain things in my mind never to be realized.


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