Calamity no more.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Best diving team in the universe goes to...


Yes Italy.

It was heartbreaking to see the Socceroos made it this far in the World Cup, holding on to Italy in the round of 16 for four minutes into extra time and then lose out to a penalty kick given only because the Italians just love to cheat.

Cheat! Cheat! Cheat!

May you be reborn as worms in your next life, all of you scums.

Look at the match statistics here and here. The Socceroos were up there with the best for the entire match until the Italians cheated.

Dumb referee was at the right place, at the right time and still he made a dubious call to award Italy with a penalty kick after Grosso pretended to trip over Lucas Neill like as though he'd been shot by a thousand bullets from a machine gun, with only half a minute left of the game.

This is not soccer. Italy is in the wrong sport. With talents like this, they should be universal champions at the Olympic sport of diving. Problem is, they all wanna be soccer players and make it difficult for honest people to play the beautiful game.

I spit on the Italians. Ptooi!


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