Calamity no more.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Note to self

I was supposed to attend this seminar organized by the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) this coming Thursday but now I'd have to forego it. I can't take time off because I'd have to cover Eric who has to go for a company-level meeting at the head office.

The seminar is about this opportunity thing for a service-based business and I thought why not since I assume there is no costly and space-consuming products involved. Most likely I don't have the resources to start any form of business right now anyway but I just want to keep myself in the loop with what's going on.

Once again whatever I plan for is thwarted by my... work. Sigh.

That's the thing about my job. If my mom wasn't my mom she'd dump me. People question why I'm doing so much for so little but do I have a choice? No. For my calibre on paper, this is the highest-paying job ever offered to me so I took it.

People say they understand but do they really? I don't expect them to in the first place. But what gets me is when people think I'm beating around the bush, or that I'm lying about all these or that I'm keeping them hanging around.

My colleagues aren't having it easy themselves. Especially the married ones. Their spouses understandably are not too happy with the effort they put in for the amount of remuneration they bring home monthly.

That's why I should remind myself to stay away from committing to any permanent outside work activities for as long as I have this job. It's just not gonna work out.


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