Calamity no more.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

THE power

My last post wasn't the biggest news today. While at work I was thinking of what to write with regards to it and I certainly didn't mean it to be that short but something else happened at 2125hrs that took precedence over it.

Remember that cleaning auntie I said I was gonna sack a while ago? We decided not to after she melted our hearts with her sob story.

At 2125hrs, while I was just starting to collect the daily sales, suddenly I heard bowls and plates crashing in the dishwashing area. Now, these things are common in any foodcourt and I didn't expect it to be different this time but then I heard someone faintly calling out, "Uncle, uncle..."

I was like, "What the heck?" and skipped there as quick as I could. It was less than ten metres away from where I was.

I was SHOCKED when I saw the Malay cleaning auntie, Sharifah on the floor, on her butt with all the cockeries on her and all over the place.


Why do these things always happen when I'm on duty? *rolleyes*

I tried to get her to sit up but she was too heavy but within moments some other people came up and helped me to take her scarf, apron and watch off and applied some ointment on her neck, head, chest and limbs to keep her conscious.

Someone else took her phone which cracked during the accident and called her daughter while I instructed my supervisor to call 995. I left Sharifah to her cleaning supervisor while I tried calling Eric. The others were still trying to keep her conscious.

She was writhing in pain and had difficulty breathing. When I got back after minute, she suddenly lost consciousness and yet managed to call out to her late father a few times like as though she saw him.

I was like, "YIKES!" Not at my foodcourt! No one dies at my foodcourt and certainly not while I'm on duty! No way!

Honestly I didn't know what to do this time. I checked her pulse. No pulse. But I saw her trying to breathe so I guess she's still with us just that she's too fleshy or something for me to feel anything.

Then this guy, a regular customer at the foodcourt and someone I often see at the mosque appeared, muttered some Islamic verses and felt the surrounding with his palm. He said "something" pushed her. It's not the slippery floor.

I didn't really buy that.

But what I really bought was that he muttered somemore verses over some water in a bowl, did something to Sharifah with it which I didn't see as my attention was somewhere else for that few seconds and suddenly she came to, sat up, got up and managed to walk herself with a little help from us to the dining area where it's less hot, less wet and more open.

I was struck dumb. Speechless. Definitely not a coincidence. I felt like telling the guy that I'm packing my stuff straight away and go to whichever mountain he came from and learn Islam under him.

I always go through Ally McBeal moments like that. Heh.

So anyway, the ambulance called to say that they were lost so I told them to stay where they are while I fetched them.

They came, they asked, they took her away to NUH (National University Hospital).

So what was that huh? I reckon Allah was telling me something again. I've been pondering about taking classes to further my religious knowledge and He's telling me to ponder no more. Now is a good time. Need more convincing?


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