Calamity no more.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mending bridges

I had intended to sleep early last night as I was still feeling sluggish and lethargic but I didn't manage to. I'm feeling anxious about my life.

So I rescheduled that for today.

But it was not meant to be. Sis Leita called to say my family was meeting one of my mom's sister's family at her daughter's place in Yishun for dinner and I had to go.


I dragged my feet but in the end I was happy to be there. Free food is always a welcome thing for me. And I deliberately took the scenic route from work which took almost two hours so I could sleep in the bus and listen to my radiophone.

Dinner was BBQ. Location was downstairs where there were many BBQ pits but the BBQ wasn't on a pit or on a grill. It was on a steamboat hot pot.

Still I managed to stuff my face.

It was nice to meet everyone from their side of the family again. It's been a while. Glad that The Perthlings' visit eased up some if not all of the old and outdated tensions that subtly existed before.

My auntie and uncle thought I was my brother Dickhead. They still had this idea I was a fat nerd. Well I'm still a nerd but the fat part was sooo 1980s. It died together with disco.

We managed to squeeze in some karaoke. Ok I, managed to squeeze in some karaoke. Me, myself and I. I hogged the mic for quite a bit and wouldn't let go.

It was nice to be one of the kids again and play. I showed the kids how to climb a lamp post, gave them piggy back rides and wrestled with them and let them use me as a punching bag. Cool.

On the way back home, I called this girl whom I've been in touch with via Internet and phone to meet up for dinner this Friday after her work. I'm off then. We met on Muslimfriends. No fancy dinner or anything. I did tell her we're going some place cheap near her place as there is a straight bus back home for me when we're done.


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