Calamity no more.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Eric and I have come up with a new roster system that would give both of us a lot of welfare. A LOT of welfare. This is in response to the fact that our company couldn't care less about us anyway.

We have decided to give ourselves 5 and a half days work week which would include one weekend day off for both of us each week.


Should have thought of this sooner but better late than never.

How it works is that we still do alternate opening and closing shifts between us between Tue and Thu. And we would rotate working four hours only between 0700am and 1100am on Fri and Mon and when one of us takes a Sat off, the other will do the full shift and take Sun off the next day while the other guy does the full shift.

Too confusing?

Using this week as an example, I'll do 0700am-1100am tomorrow and Eric will take over me till closing after I leave. I take Sat off, while Eric does the full shift. But the next day Eric is off while I in turn do the full shift. On Mon, Eric will do the 0700am-1100am shift and I'll take over till closing. The rest of the week, we go back to our normal shifts of either closing or morning which is pretty straightforward.

What this means is that we both are guaranteed a weekend day off every week! Woo!


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