Calamity no more.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Heart to say

The honeymoon period is over at work and now after three weeks, I think I'm better able to come up with an educated opinion on it.

It worries me that the general concensus among the mortals is that the manager, Ishak*, is a pond scum.

I've not been at the butt of his attacks yet so I've nothing against him. I'm no one to judge but I do it anyway, everyone does but I usually judge people's intentions and not their actions.

This guy has been showing me around on how to act and what to do and all that and I appreciate them. I'm just waiting for him to start picking on me like he has on the other mortals. Perhaps I'm still new, hence I have that immunity.

From what I observe though, he also likes to back stab the others. He likes to make a mountain of a molehill to make him look big in the eyes of the bosses. To him, that's his only motive. Others can die for all he cares.

In my opinion, a manager cannot do that. A manager is a middleman between the bosses and the mortals. He has the power and he should not abuse it. He must strike a balance and not be too skewed in his focus.

For instance, one of the drivers made a mistake one morning and he corrected the guy. The matter should close right there but nooo, Ishak just had to bring it up to Ilsa and then George and then Don, one after the other after then.

I don't get it. Doesn't he think about the consequences of his actions? People have families to feed and all. Doesn't he think of the welfare of these people? Why must he muck around with their rice bowls? People make mistakes, sometimes they forget, it's natural. It's human to err. Show me one human being who doesn't and I'll show you a flying shoe.

The bosses like him. To be honest, when they called me upstairs the other day, they actually told me to mould myself like him. In my heart, I squirmed because I know I'm not that sort of person and I'm under a bit of pressure because I know that if I choose to be like me, it's only a matter of time before I get the boot.

But after mulling over it, I relaxed a bit. I just told myself to get over it, get over the past, get over my mistakes, do my best, move on and leave the rest in God's hands. Why worry? No women no cry. I don't owe anyone a living. I'm good and someday things will fall nicely into place for me.

*name has been changed because my cheeseburger is slow


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