Calamity no more.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

November reign

Just a little update about what's going on.

1. I've left LC (the catering company I worked for) two days ago on Friday the 13th. I just had to include the date for dramatic effect.

2. I officially re-joined [removed] yesterday.

3. I have decided to stop pursuing Ann.

Looking back, there is one thing about me that I realize, that many would agree, that if I have one major weakness, it'd be that I rarely finish what I started. There's no shame in admitting to that because it is an undeniable fact.

I can only think of two events in my life where I haven't given up halfway and that is my O Levels which I took twice in order to make the cut for my course of choice in polytechnic (which I didn't complete in the end *rolleyes*) as well as my National Service which I didn't really have a choice unless I wanted to spend time in the Detention Barracks (it was a very tough decision haha).

But looking ahead, I have my immediate one year plan and I believe it is not impossible to achieve. Slowly does it.

So far, I have announced my declaration of intent for the coming year which is to save $10,000 and to get my driver's licence and now the time is apt for me to add one more - which is to run [removed] for at least a year as stipulated in the contract with [removed].

To quickly recap, [removed] is [removed]'s franchisor and together we have decided to open an IT store at [removed]'s new e-L.ife at Tower Five Level Two. As mentioned before, I do have my skepticisms with regards to this move but on the flipside, opportunities like this do not fall on one's lap very often.

For me, it's always been about running my own profitable business and if I don't grab the horns by its bull now, I don't know when an opportunity such as this would arise again.

Thing is, I'd have to push back my one year plan by three months to accommodate this development. Instead of August first 07, it's now gonna be November first 07.

I'd like to take this opportunity to seek moral support from everyone around me and also to understand that I may not be able to commit myself to anything other than Mouse in my day to day activities. I'm a one man show. If I don't turn up, I don't make money.

As such, I have also decided to lay off girls until further notice. Not that my gender preference have changed, just that recent developments in matters of the heart have proven yet again that I lack the patience to deal with the unnecessary wishy washyness of being involved in a romantic relationship one way or the other.

Friends are ok though. I work everyday 1100-2200hrs and have set aside Wednesdays as my Perth Day when I can pursue other things such as obtaining my driver's licence.

Other than those, I hope to squeeze some time in my busy schedule to still be able to hang out with people, get involved in's events and marketing work, etc etc so help me God.


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