Calamity no more.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bloody goat

I mentioned the slaying of cows and goats in my last post. That was meant in jest although cows and goats shall be slayed anyway. All for a good cause but.

As part of the Hari Raya Qurban (or Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji or Eid Ul Adha), the ChinaMuslim Silaturrahim are raising funds in order to continue their cause in aiding the needy Muslim folks in China.

Hari Raya Qurban occurs on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja. It is celebrated by Muslims the world over as a commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son (Ishmael) for (Allah) God. Others celebrate it as it marks the end of the Pilgrimage or Haj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year.

We don't really need to sacrifice our own sons for this but what we do though is to sacrifice cattle such as goats, sheeps and cows instead. And then we distribute the meat to the needy.

The cattle in question are usually provided by people who can afford them. The funds raised through this is then used for charitable causes which in this case is to aid in the improvement of standard of living for the folks in China.

At present, only cows and goats are available. Each cow costs $770 and each goat, $110. This is not a profit-making scheme. I was pretty shocked to discover how cheap a goat is. Dang, they're even cheaper than cats and we can't even eat cats.

We here, of course refers to everyone else but me coz in fact, I eat cats. Sure I get choked a little by their fur but nothing a bottle of water doesn't help.

So anyway, I'm attempting to lead by example here by pledging $60 to the cause. My aim is to gather enough resources to at least afford two goats.

Assuming I have eight other people contributing $20 each, I believe it's an attainable ambition.

I mean, what's $20 to you huh? For me, 60 bucks means I'd have to put off purchasing a bicycle for use at work till the new year or even, horror of horrors, SIX packets of cigarettes! GASP! You know how much THAT means to me? A LOT but I will live.

Instead of spending money to slowly kill myself, the 60 bucks could now instead be used to build a whole new annex in a school in China. Woo! I can always continue slowly killing myself after this.

You want details? thecalamityman @ is the email you should reach. If this is all a scam, you're welcome to sacrifice me instead and lay my cured skin in your living room as a carpet.


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