Calamity no more.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Cat snap

My assistant supervisor is so kind. This is what I mean when I say people will take care of you if you take care of them.

She's letting me have her old and still working well Nokia 7260 handphone. She has a spanking new one.

Everyone knows how old my own phone is and how it's giving me problems. In fact, I was thinking of getting a pre-owned phone with better features before this and was indeed eyeing the Nokia 7260 before she came along. How convenient.

With a FM radio and camera function, it's the worst of the best of Nokia phones in my book.

Guess word got around and Suan, my Ass Sup, approached me after she got her new phone. She said I could keep it and it's up to me how much and when I wanna pay for it. Wow, how sweet.

I've checked around and it's going at $100 pre-loved. Then I'll sell my current stupid phone. I don't even know what model it is. It's that old. I've actually been offered $40 for it (stupid people!).

But I'll have to wait. It seems that her son had put a security code on it and she has no idea what it is. So I might have to wait a few days, a few weeks, I don't know, but I'm glad to know that I have my dream phone waiting for me - The Calamity Phone!

I can't wait to take pictures of Baby, 399's resident cat who loves to beg people to feed her and stroke her and post them up here. She only eats, sleeps and expects her back to be rubbed. Those are her only life's ambitions.

One time, she asked me for a back rub and I was feeling lazy so I kinda just *patpatpat* her on the head. She bit me. ^$#%^!!! The damn cat bit me! And then she gave me an icy look that said, "If you wanna do it, better do it properly, buster!" so I had no choice but to unhappily and unwillingly did as I was told.

She's got attitude.

I like to see her sleeping. She sleeps anywhere, anytime, any position. I feel like kicking her butt and squishing her! The lazy ass!


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