Calamity no more.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I don't really like to go to my former company's many foodcourts but sometimes I just cannot avoid it since they have so many going around. Reason is, people recognize me and I actually couldn't be bothered to keep up with the formalities when all I want is just to eat and run.

Near where I live, there are two - Kungfu and FNS. There is also a Banquet, which has nithing to do with my former company but where non-Malay or Indian Halal food is concerned, I of course give FNS the priority. Not sure why, maybe I just feel like a traitor if I don't.

As usual, whenever I step into any FNS, I get a resounding welcome no matter how busy the workers are. I was at the Toa Payoh branch for lunch.

For 15 minutes I just stopped at every stall to say hello to the staff, exchanged a few words and waved around to everyone like a right Miss Universe. This is the only place where I feel appreciated by not the upper management (I don't really care if they each get swallowed by a whale) but by the people so it's the least I could do.

Every single person I spoke to asked me to come back and be their manager again. It happens all the time. I don't know if they'll ever stop.

The thing is I still haven't settled down at LC, my current company and I don't think I ever will.

Firstly, I detest the "us against them" culture where the mortals and management both do not trust each other. Each would blame the other if something goes wrong instead of working together as a team. When you're the supervisor, you get stuck in the middle like beef patty in a cheeseburger.

Secondly, it's a sweatshop in there and I despise being treated like a coolie with no opinion, no influence, no control, no authority and no responsibility. I always believe that I'm made for greater things. Humble pie is not my thing.

Thirdly, CCTV cameras are for anti-crime measures but the damn fools use them to spy on their workers instead. Can't take a short smoke break, can't go for a pee break, can't talk while having a ten minutes lunch, can't answer the phone, can't respond to SMSes. We have to sneak around like little rascals which I feel is a blow to my pride. We're all adults here, aren't we?

On hindsight, I think about the amount of money I can potentially take home each month and it brings me back down to Earth. It's something being a foodcourt manager cannot ever achieve in my knowledge.

What is important to me, I have to nail down soon. Is it the money or to be treated like a human being?

If FNS can fulfil my conditions, which is to automatically gain a higher position, a higher salary and to NEVER involve me in the issues of any of our other outlets, I might consider going back. After all, it'd still fit nicely into my plans till next August.


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