Calamity no more.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Food rot

Enrico*, my ex-colleague at FNS 399* dropped by my neighbourhood just now to collect the set of keys for the foodcourt that I'd been holding on to.

He'd be leaving the $%^&!!! place on the 6th himself. Couldn't take the pressure of being on a sinking ship any longer. I already saw it coming.

News has it that Benjol*, the guy who brought me into the company who also later become Kungfu's* (FNS 399's parent company) most hated guy, has been asked to leave due to some money-related isuues and his last day of service is on the 19th next month.

Also, FNS 399 is no longer called that ever since they switched to a non-Halal concept in a desperate attempt to increase revenue through the sale of beer. It's called Kungfu 399 now.

According to Enrico, sales has been shyte ever since the conversion as our regular customers, for instance the folks at the mosque, have stayed away.

Ha ha ha. They poured in close to $100,000 to redo the place just six months after its grand opening and the result is even worse than before they started! Stupid, stupid big people at Kungfu.

I'm sure they will not collapse overnight but I, The Calamity Man, have already warned them that this would happen. FNS 399 was slowly gathering momentum and the last thing it needed was for this conversion to screw things up.

No one had the crown jewel's to stand up to the boss and tell him my case scenario. Everybody thought The Calamity Man's viewpoints hold no water, noooooobody wanted to listen to the little guy... .

Sorry, I just had to let it out.

*Obviously names have been changed because I feel like scratching my left foot now.


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