Calamity no more.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Right ear

I sent Liana a text just now saying, "I don't know what it is about me that makes people wanna pour their hearts out to me. I feel it's a burden after the initial feeling of being proud."

I didn't really wanna send a looong sms message but I think she got what I meant.

The thing is, I've only been around at this job for almost six weeks but a few of my colleagues have found me trustworthy enough to share the things that they don't share with other people. Really deep stuff.

It's not only at this job or this place or this organization, it's everywhere.

You know, all I want till next August is to clock in, do my job, clock out, live an honest life, earn an honest living, put some money aside for my plans next August, hopefully to meantime get a driver's license, maybe learn to swim, perhaps score some chicks (heh heh), probably get a certificate in something...

I didn't really wanna bother about anything else outside my ownself, but when I think about it for a while just now, I realize that I'm just being a selfish bas...ketball.

So out of concern, I called Man* after my prayers just now to find out how he was doing. He was practically going on and on about what he's going through right now while we were at work today.

He's almost twice my age so I had to be tactful. All I said was, "Man, I know you're way more experienced than I am in life but if you'd just listen out to me, whatever it is that is bothering you, please do not do anything stupid. Remember you've got a family and five kids and all. If you really need to explode, give me a call. You know my number. We can talk."

We talked for a little more. I listened mostly. I think that's the key. I listen more than I talk. I mean, two ears, one mouth... it's a no-brainer. Maybe that's why people look for me for these things. I just realized that I have this power so I might as well use it to make the world a better place in my little corner.

Anyway, Man said to not treat him as a friend but instead treat him like a brother. I may be younger than he is, but if my advice is worth looking into, there is no reason not to take it up. In turn I could approach him if I need advice myself. I don't know how he heard but he knew I got girl problems recently. I told him it's all settled now but if it happens again, I'd know who to look for.

Don't ask me how the next message is related to this topic but it is.

If you're looking for a helper at home or someone who is used to working in the kitchen, someone who is committed, diligent, doesn't skive, knows how to cook and bake damn well, please reach thecalamityman at gmail dot com .

I'll supply the details you need. All we ask is for an employer who treats his or her employees with dignity and humanity.

If you don't fit the bill, please don't bother writing in.

*Name has been changed as I'm still trying to figure out how plants with red leaves absorb sunlight.


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