Calamity no more.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ugly people

I don't know where to begin.

Something happened at work yesterday which I believe has affirmed the fact that it's not worth it for me to stay at LC.

It's much ado about nothing, really. A storm in a teacup. I couldn't believe it actually happened.

There's this little issue about me coming to work in my black jeans especially when I'm supposed to be out-stationed at events for the company.

I don't see why that is an issue. I know I am well-dressed. I look way better in jeans than most people do in pants.

In fact, I was out-stationed at the mother of all events a few days ago at the Istana and none of the three-star generals or heck, not even the President bothered if I was wearing jeans or pants or underwear outside or pantyhose on my head. Someone even praised (at least I'd like to think so) me by saying I looked so good I could be a gigolo.

Yesterday morning Ishak, my dummkopf manager, called to remind me to wear proper pants to work as I'd again be out-stationed to an event. Not wanting to argue, I said ok. I did wear pants (as opposed to wearing jeans) to work.

This guy is one of a few beings in the universe who cannot see another guy come close to his position at work and he'd go all out to make sure all threats are thwarted.

Being younger, more intelligent and obviously more good-looking than he is, I am hence considered such a threat. At this juncture, I've had about enough tolerating this m^&$ot$$her@#@$f's offensive like a sitting duck.

I have served at least at a supervisory level at my past jobs in FNB since I completed my service in the army and in all those times, I'd get a certain amount of authority the moment I walk into my first day on the job.

Over here, I'm always thrown into doing odd jobs. Washing 200 over apples, wiping this and that, rearranging the stores, transferring 30 over loaded carton boxes from the first floor to the second... . What the heck?

Excuse me, we do have odd job workers for that. I am supposed to share his load in executing the operations. But someone wants to be the only lion on the mountain... . The best thing is the bosses aren't doing anything about it.

I know that respect has to be earned but if I'm always being thrown at doing odd jobs, eventually people will think that I am one of the odd job workers. I learn nothing about operations. In fact, anyone can tell me to do anything and they're supposed to be my subordinates! There's no proper chain of command.

Back to the jeans issue, from afar Ishak shouted to ask if I brought along my pants. I shouted back, "Then what is this I'm wearing!?"

Ishak: Those are pants?!

CM: Yes! (Pissed off as I know he's trying to find fault with me)

Ishak: Looks like jeans to me!

CM: It's NOT! (as I muttered some profanities under my breath, shook my head in disbelief and ignored him)

The next thing I know, he called me to say that Iris, one of the bosses wanted to see me upstairs.

Iris: CM, I believe it's time for you to get a proper pair of pants.

CM: I AM wearing a proper pair of pants.

Iris: You are?

CM: (Yes stupid fcuk) Why don't you come over to see? Is this jeans or is this pants?

She came over to feel the material on my pants. I knew that she knew she'd made a mistake from the look in her eyes but she refused to admit it and kept lecturing me on why I should get myself a proper pair of pants.

I said, "Why is this not proper? Am I not wearing pants?" and walked out.

Once downstairs, Mr Dummkopf wanting to vent his frustration on me, told me to load one of the lorries. By myself. When there were a million other people around.

He knew I was fasting (while he wasn't) but I told myself if he wanted to score points with the bosses by taking it out an me, he could go right ahead. I'll keep scoring points with God. Let's see who wins. Fancy one Muslim treating another Muslim this way on such a holy month like this.

He's like a small kid. Every little thing he'd go upstairs and complain to mommy and daddy. Whiny, whiny, whiny. "Mommy, mommy, CM won't listen to me, boohoo." And mommy and daddy are stupid enough to believe him wholesale every single time. Spoilt brat!

My overview of the matter is that:

1) Mr Dummkopf will always be a brat
2) The bosses will forever be quick to jump to conclusions without investigating the root of the matter as well as never admit their mistakes no matter how obvious
3) I'll never thrive in this company

My plan was to actually keep this job until the last days of Ramadhan (around the 24th of October), take a few days off to celebrate Eid (popularly known as Hari Raya in this parts) which comes after Ramadhan, and be in time for Mouse's opening at [removed] on November first but looking at things, I'd have to speed things up a little.

I'm gonna ask Max if he'd take me in sooner at either of his current shops. We'll take it as training in preparation for me to run one of the outlets on my own soon. If he says ok, I'll leave this hellhole at a drop of a hat.


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