Calamity no more.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Therapy required

This could very well be my last post for some time, unless some issue takes precedence and I absolutely have no choice but to bitch about it.

What's gonna happen from tomorrow onwards is that I would be doing the FULL SHIFT (16 hours from 0730-2230hrs) for a week as Eric is on a one week break probably in some cool and breezy Caribbean island for this period.

At the same time, I'd have to entertain MUIS as I represent my company in dealing with them, in seeking their advice on our foodcourt's conversion from a Halal one to a non-Halal one.

Also I'd have to coordinate the tangible changes involved such as the re-renovation works to switch our look, the tenants' crockery and cutlery, whatever financial transactions involved... hoh God, I'm so gonna be pooped out.

But for today I shall have fun, for today is Perth Day. I shall go to the polls before lunch with Lilies as we're voting in the same area for this year's General Election, have lunch after and go treat myself to a new pair of shoes later on.


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