Calamity no more.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I'm happy about how this week has turned out so far.

I get to familiarize myself with the whole running of an IT store thing at the other two [removed] as well as [removed] on top of busying myself with the setting up our upcoming third outlet. It makes me feel important again, to put it in a vain perspective.

Secondly, I got myself a new digicam which I've named Waffles for cheap.

Thirdly, I also took the time to hang out with people, friends (ok just one so far this week) and family.

Hung out with G on Wednesday doing nothing at Arab Street, visited my mom (Sis Leita and Mr Bola) at Yishun on Thursday and also managed to work something out at the last minute to hang out with The Wangs and Liana last night.

God knows how long it has been since I visited the Wangs' at Serangoon North. But together with Liana, who's flying to Vietnam with Jelte for a few days soon, I paid them a visit again after we had dinner together at some sucky place. I used to live with them for more than a year after my National Service before I moved to Braddell.

As usual, the place is as nice as when I left it (I'm not allowed to post photos) and I also thought they'd gotten themselves a very good helper recently. Now to get an English-speaking Indonesian maid is something like a one in a million chance. Ok I just found out she's Filipina. Just as well... .

I also took the opportunity to take photos of my favourite pet rabbit. Heh. No one said anything about this so here goes.

Ok actually I'm not totally happy about Waffles but now everyone knows it's not really a great idea to get a cheap digicam.

Unlike Cheeseburger, when I view my subjects at night, even with lighting available in the surrounding, I cannot see what I'm pointing at. It's all dark. I have to make a wild guess everytime I shoot it sucks. Anyone knows what I can do about this?


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