Calamity no more.

Friday, December 29, 2006

"Oi! So early ah!?"

I turned around to see who this busybody was. "Oh", my brain said, "It's the girl from reception".

"No lah I've got this stupid lunch with the Suntec management later so I'm just preparing the shop before the temporary help takes over", I replied.

Little Girl: Oh ya, my father also got invited.

Calamity Man: Your father? He's got a shop here too?

LG: Ya. A flower shop.

"DING DING DING!" my brain registered coz I was thinking of getting flowers for my little bird who wasn't feeling well today.

CM: Where's his shop at?

LG: First floor, Tower 3, lor.

CM: Ok thanks.

So I thought I'd drop by to have a look-see and whaddya know, I know the guy!

His shop used to be at The Concourse opposite the cafe I used to manage at Keypoint yeeears ago and I did ahem, get him to send a bouquet to some girl at one point. That was like waaay back. Waaay, waaaay, waaaaay back. Like, it's all so in the past right now, one for the history books *quivering lips* heh.

We talked for a bit after registering our attendance at the lunch thingy but we both didn't stay long. Couldn't stand being in a crowd and I wasn't exactly looking forward to jostling with them for the buffet that was being kept warm and heavily guarded by Gurkhas (I made this up).

I got that bouquet I wanted after I knocked off from work, walked a couple or so kilometres to where she lives, hobbling along on my wobbly left knee and all to deliver it personally to her, my little bird.

How sweet... :-)


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