Calamity no more.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Eye see

Yay I've made it out alive and in one piece! Hurrah to me!

Today was the busiest day of the week and I used every last ounce of energy left in me. I still have some left now for some milk and to write a little.

Oh my mom and sis Leita visited me at work today. I tried to make time for them while juggling a few things. Who says only women can multitask? Heh. I'm touched that they came by. It's Mothers' Day and since I can't make it to them, they made it to me.

Eric also dropped by before that.

I told him about my wild and crazy idea of a "takeover" at 399 (for those not in the know, this is code for my foodcourt) the night before and he was dying to know about it.

I thought he would at least listen but I was disappointed at his reaction. It did not bid well for someone of his position.

I handed him my draft proposal, he took one look and declared that "he knew everything".

He outrightly shot it down to hell and announced that he did not want anything to jeopardize his rice bowl.

I mean, wow. I thought I was the most egocentric, self-centred and selfish individual I've ever come across but this was something else.

My aim with this proposal was so that every single person involved would win, the smallest winner being me and I was really taken aback by his "only I matter" attitude.

His reason was that he didn't want to end up being a laughing stock. In his own words, he wants to keep this job so that he could blindly get his salary at the end of the month while building his part time business. That is a nice plan I have to admit.

Clearly we are two different species here. Despite my lacking as a human being, I believe there is a bigger... thing than me, there is a bigger plan out there than just the individual.

He did apologize in the end for his over-reaction but it's too late. My eyes are open now.


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