Calamity no more.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The verdict

Gaaawd, my first day at Wiz (the name has been changed to protect the innocent dolphins in the seas off the Japanese Isles) was such a booore.

I was the earliest to reach work at exactly 0759hrs. The next guy came three minutes later as I was halfway through my cigarette. He had the keys. Dumb##%%%#!!!

Heh. It wasn't till more than an hour later that my boss and the lady boss came. In the meantime, I busied myself with the company's website (which has many English mistakes and is grossly under-maintained where some links don't lead to anywhere) while female-dogging with my sisters Liana and Lilies on the phone and GoogleTalk at the same time.

I was not happy with a few things as the day slowly passed me by.

There was the waiting, as above. And after the waiting, there was the stupid instruction from the lady boss for me to cold call some schools and start selling our products.

What the!?!?!?

Hello, I don't even know how to operate the damn thing!

It's a gadget. Most gadgets when stripped down to the barest minimum operate the same way as the rest of them and besides the purpose that it serves, that's all I know. Next to nothing.

I wasn't even given a list of names and numbers. I'd have thought they'd have done something like this before and should have some database somewhere but no-ho-ho-ho!

So, being the enterprising yet undervalued person that I am, I straightaway (Ok I rolled my eyes a few thousand times first then I) utilized the weapons I had at my disposal - the Internet, a pen and some paper to go to the ministry of education's website to check out the list of schools and their contact details.

I made a few calls. Tried to make it work with the pen and paper and no strategy and I quickly found myself up on a cliff. I had no telesales script, I had little knowledge and I had no proper way of keeping tabs of the status of calls that I made (prospect not available, prospect wants us to fax the details instead, etc).

So I stopped right there, read up on the company and its product and services a little more, spent the entire day copying and pasting details from the ministry's website onto the Word processor, at the same time segregating the schools via the zones that they are in as to be more systematic as well as came up with a proper telesales script complete with the "what ifs" and how to handle them.

I put all my past mixed up experiences into work and still managed to finish just two minutes past my working hours.

Along the way, I of course got to know a bit about the other guys (no girls, boohoo). There was this Malay guy, I think he was very excited to see one of his kind in the same company. His name is Bahaya (again, the name has been changed but this time to protect the identity of Spiderman). The first thing I asked him was if we are allowed to go for Friday prayers. He said yeah, as long as it's within our lunch time.

Great! I told him to bring a spare helmet on Fridays then.

The problem is though, he is a field technician and he spends a lot of time servicing our clients' technical problems... on their turf. Besides, I cannot take it for granted that I could always go for prayers. This is another job now and I am also required to go out to the field as and when needed.

I'll leave it as that.

On the whole, I was ecstatic to find out that I finally have my own desk though. Woo! I've finally made it!

But uh, trouble is, mine is the first desk you see when you enter the office. Meaning if someone presses our doorbell, I'm like the assigned doorman. AND, my computer is directly facing my lady boss' desk so I can't skive when she's around. Can't surf the net when I'm bored or anything.

I think she did it on purpose to have the best view of me. I'm OBVIOUSLY the most hunky dude in the entire organization from what I've seen (and she's quite hot for an older woman). Heh heh heh.

This would be my highest-paying job ever, I only work five days a week (no work on weekends!) and it's office hours. Period. What else would I want?

Never before man, never before has this happened to me. It's only for a year. Gotta keep my eyes on the prize.


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