Calamity no more.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bright lights

Liana, Lilies and I were at Geylang Serai on Saturday evening.

It was an impromptu thing. I just finished my dinner at KFC, when Liana text me to join her there and the next thing I knew, I was there with the two of them.

I didn't mind. For days I was dreaming about greedily devouring all the fattening and unhygienically-prepared street food over there. Hunky deep fried drumstick, barbecued beef floss, messy Ramly burger, I didn't care. I want 'em all. Bring it!

"Auntie, can we have EVERYTHING on your menu? It's for our brother."

"But I'll test a little first just to make sure."

"How come mine doesn't light up?"

Very pretty.

Yeah, we got ourselves one of those. And some other junk too. I'm just glad we survived the whole thing. Would have loved to take more photos but it was so crowded there was hardly any space to get a good angle on any shot or to even stop a while to shoot away.


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