Calamity no more.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Chill out

I watched Da Vinci Code today, alone.

Well, that's not the point.

I understand why some people find the movie a bore, or the book even. The whole two hours was packed with information, information and more information.

It was great. I am always very excited about history and all that, conspiracy theories, different explanations from different angles... . Nice.

That's what the movie is about. To relegate religion to just history.

That's alright to someone with an open mind. I already knew half of what's on from my own research. I just took whatever else I learned as added information.

Some people take it too seriously. The movie does touch on Islamic issues as well since Christianity, Catholicism and Islam are quite related but in the end, it's a matter of what you and I choose to believe.

No need to burn anything. ;)


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