The power of love
I imagine a life without them but where would I be without them? What would I do?
Time and again the other members of the Red family have bailed me out. Everytime I sink they bail me out and they bail me out and they bail me out.
After sending out the Calamity Distress Signal, my siblings and Eric, my colleague, have come forward to offer help in both cash and kind.
Money has been transferred into my bank account by various members of my family. Some donated, some to be returned but all is appreciated for it means I have more gas to keep going the next 50km or so.
Items have been donated. Eric has given a bottle of shower cream and a few packets of shampoo. Liana came by last night to airdrop yet another bottle of shower cream and a bottle of shampoo as well as a box of biscuits which as expected was finished as soon as it was noticed by yours truly.
When Liana came by last night, I had just woken up from my nap and finished my Maghrib prayers and was about to go back to sleep. I was ill and dead tired. I had no strength to even fry the already-thawed fries, sausages and beef patty for dinner. I put them back in the freezer before hitting the sack again. I chose to rest my body instead of filling it up with food.
Liana was disappointed and rightly so. She made all the effort and all I did was drop dead. She asked me to go out and have dinner with her but I only had enough energy to walk the few steps to my sofa bed and plonk myself down. I was flat out in mere seconds.
Thank you everyone who has helped me going. I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings. Even though I do not say that I love you as often as I should, it does not mean that I do not. I hope you understand me this way.